Strategy is at the Heart of What We Do
How it works

Business Shaped Solutions
Business Consultations
marketing strategy
advanced analytic
enterprise technology
partnership system
business innovation
Stručnost u poslovanju: Vaša logistička rešenja s PBS Logistics i PRO-BOX Solution
Naša grupacija, koja čini PBS Logistics d.o.o. i PRO-BOX Solution d.o.o., predstavlja vrhunsku stručnost u domenu međunarodnog transporta, skladištenja i distribucije. Sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom, pružamo klijentima širok spektar visokokvalitetnih usluga, prilagođenih njihovim specifičnim zahtjevima. Bez obzira na veličinu ili kompleksnost, naš tim stručnjaka posvećen je osiguravanju optimalnih logističkih rješenja.

Counsalting Service Include
Change is opportunity. The challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence, adapt with purpose and embrace.
Our results solution combines implementation support, capability building and state-of-the-art diagnostic and analytic tools so you can continually change.
Counsalting Service Include
Change is opportunity. The challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence, adapt with purpose and embrace.
Our results solution combines implementation support, capability building and state-of-the-art diagnostic and analytic tools so you can continually change.

Counsalting Service Include
Change is opportunity. The challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence, adapt with purpose and embrace.
Our results solution combines implementation support, capability building and state-of-the-art diagnostic and analytic tools so you can continually change.
Counsalting Service Include
Change is opportunity. The challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence, adapt with purpose and embrace.
Our results solution combines implementation support, capability building and state-of-the-art diagnostic and analytic tools so you can continually change.

Counsalting Service Include
Change is opportunity. The challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence, adapt with purpose and embrace.
Our results solution combines implementation support, capability building and state-of-the-art diagnostic and analytic tools so you can continually change.
Few Reasons Why You Should Choose Us
We seamlessly merge two key components – economics and information technology.